Alcohol -free news of the day - January 1, 2024

Thanks to Sanzalc, find all the news "Alcoholless"of the day

On the border of food supplements, the news Alcohol -free drinks Rhythm our social life for an effortless Dry.
You plan to participate in the month alcoholless in January 2024? We present to you 3 drinks non -alcoholic to allow you to replace ...
"Dry January": Test these Alcohol -free drinks And Belgian ... From this January 1st, you may already apply your good resolutions ...
... alcoholless. Among some wine merchants in Saarbourg, there are wines, beers and spirits alcohollessor disalcoolized. We probed them ...
It is called the Ribo, it is less than 0.5% alcohol. The idea is to do as with beer alcoholless, to offer a first approach to wine ...

See you tomorrow on For other fresh news on alcohol -free!

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