Alcohol -free news of the day - December 20, 2023

Thanks to Sanzalc, find all the news "Alcoholless"of the day

... without alcohol, a real new trend. Bacardi-Martini. Alcohol -free drink Mocktail. UNSPLASH credit. Marceau must Perrot. SHARE. From ...
This selection of 12 delicious mocktails, wines and spirits alcoholless assures you to feast as long as you want, ...
THE Alcohol -free drinks are more and more popular but their price remains higher than their equivalent with alcohol, and it is not a ...
Fear of controls, pregnant, or just don't want to drink alcohol: manufacturers of Alcohol -free drinks offer even more ...
The Hervienne brand specializing in alcohol -free "Vintense" launches his first "Glühwein". A 0% alcohol drink that has all the aromas ...
I left by hiding in my bag a white and a red alcoholless less than 10 euros each. I have put everything in place so that the experience is ...
Following the alert of the league against cancer on the consumption ofalcohol Minor during the holidays, associations offer DRY ...
... without alcohol, alcohol beer). If the alcohol -free versions are in the majority, they are nevertheless a reflection of a society in which one does not ...
This is what the "month alcoholless"Ported in particular by the Center for Care, Support and Prevention in Addictology (CSAPA) in Tarbes ...

See you tomorrow on For other fresh news on alcohol -free!

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