Are alcohol-free drinks recommended or prohibited for alcohol dependent or alcoholism?

Alcohol -free drinks, also known asalcohol-free, are increasingly popular these days. They offer an alternative to alcoholic beverages and are often presented as a healthier option. But what about people dependent on alcohol or suffering from alcoholism? Can they consume these risk-free drinks? In this article, we will quickly examine the advantages and disadvantages of alcohol -free drinks for people faced with these problems.

At Sanzalc and following the experience of Arnaud its founder, we are fully aware of this question. In order to be as inclusive as possible, we also offer a selection of drinks that are not similar to alcohol and which allow alcohol dependent to be able to continue to have fun, in all conviviality and safety.

The advantages of alcohol -free drinks for alcohol dependent people

Alcohol -free drinks can provide several advantages to alcohol dependent or alcoholism dependent. First, they reduce alcohol consumption by offering an alternative without the harmful effects of alcohol. This can be particularly beneficial for people who seek to reduce their alcohol consumption without completely giving up the experience of drinking a similar drink.

In addition, alcohol -free drinks can help prevent relapses. By offering a satisfactory alternative in terms of taste, they can reduce the temptations to consume alcohol and help people in the withdrawal phase to remain sober. This can be of great help for people who fight against their alcohol dependence and seek to maintain their abstinence.

Finally, alcohol -free drinks can contribute to the social reintegration of alcohol dependent. They allow them to participate in social events where alcoholic beverages are present, without feeling excluded or different from the others. This can be important for their emotional well-being and their self-confidence.

The disadvantages of alcohol -free drinks for alcohol dependent people

Dangers to drink alcohol for dependent people

Despite their many advantages, alcohol -free drinks can also have certain drawbacks for alcohol dependent people or suffering from alcoholism. First of all, it is important to note that certain alcohol -free drinks may contain small amounts of alcohol, although they are labeled as "alcohol -free". This can be problematic for people who are in weaning phase and who must avoid any consumption of alcohol.

In addition, alcohol -free drinks can remind people dependent on alcohol the taste and sensations associated with alcohol consumption. This can revive the desire to drink and make the withdrawal process more difficult. It is therefore important to take into account individual reactions and consult a health professional before consuming alcohol -free drinks.

Finally, some alcohol -free drinks may contain high quantities of sugar, which can be problematic for people looking to reduce their sugar consumption or who have health problems related to sugar. It is therefore important to read the labels carefully and choose alcohol -free drinks that have a moderate sugar content.

In conclusion, alcohol -free drinks can be an interesting option for alcohol dependent people or suffering from alcoholism who seek to reduce their alcohol consumption or maintain their abstinence. They offer a satisfactory alternative in terms of taste and can help prevent relapses. However, it is important to take into account individual reactions and consult a health professional before consuming alcohol -free drinks. In addition, it is important to choose alcohol -free drinks that have a moderate sugar content.

To go further on this subject: 

Alcohol -free aperitif: good or bad for health?

Alcohol -free drinks can make you want to drink ... alcohol

Alcohol-free wines and beers: Is this the solution?

Alcohol beers and wines: really safe?

Associated chronicles

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