A study reveals that setting a minimum price in Scotland is linked to a 13 % drop in the number of alcohol -related deaths

Excessive alcohol consumption and its consequences can be a source of large concerns, including those who have established policies to try to limit dangers. A new study reveals that the minimum price of alcohol prices set up in Scotland in summer 2018 has effectively managed to reduce the deaths due to excessive alcohol consumption up to 13%.

At Sanzalc, we have made the choice to offer alternative alternatives to help consumers reduce their consumption to stretch more and more sobriety!

L'impact has Ande as a partyulierament strong on there population hasgee, cheZ Who THE tto of ofCes lie has L'Alcool has chute of 58%. AFin of limiter there consommation excessive d'Alcool And ses consethatince Sanitareas serious And coûyoudriving, THE gouvarnishement eCossais has IMPbonee A minimum of PROX of L'Alcool in Ande 2018. Ceast loI screwhas has Dofire THE ofCes liés has L'Alcool in limitant THE nombD of Bsoreilles And of canbesides ABordetabs.

Of nOrveto chIFFres publiés merciredI by L'Aouterite d'York And L'Aouterite d'Esuntown have DVeTHE that there politicalic has Donne of the RésUltats remarthattabs And shave considErés comme THE more groundweeds preUves that'a tShe politicalic PEut AVoir A Del effliAnd. Moreieurs programs of RAherche on moreieurs Annees examin areIentle there FaisABilite And L'efficateACite of there politicalic of PROX minimum of L'Alcool And her impact on THE ofCes liés has L'Alcool in Ecosse.

Saltwe Ceast Andude, of the hundredaines of ofCes liés has L'Alcool have Ande eVités DEPUis L'introducedction of there loI on THE PROX minimums; A total of 1,1 million of personnes has Ande touche by L'impact of the lois, soit a Baisse estiméee has 13% of the ofCes liés has L'Alcool. Uborn Andude more prechisel on THE long terme (2016-2018) MountD that there loI has eU THE more strong impact on THE personnes hasgees, a Baisse of 58% of the ofCes liés has L'Alcool has Ande constantatee.

THE teacheresseur lastriera L'Andude, Petra Meier, DVeTHE that Ces RésUltats repropésentryentry there more groundide preuve has This day that Rien that'in IMPboneant A PROX minimum has L'Alcool, of the dizaines, voire of the hundredaines of Vies PEUwind ebe itsUVees. Cela pRouve that there politicalic of PROX minimum of L'Alcool East BineFic For there sockIAnde, so much on THE plan Medilcal And social that'At nfourthAt ENDold1st.

Moreieurs country shave impressionnés by Ces RésUltats. Ils planagent d'ADopt This Meme modeTHE eCossais For Dofire L'impact neFaste of L'Alcool And ses consethatince on there sante. For atyouindD CAnd objectIf, he East important of comprendersD THE dommages that PEut Thatuse LAlccol, in as a partyUl1st to personnes hasgees. Ceast Andude East DonC d'a bige importance For there sante publique And PEut Bien informer THE ofCisions future of the autgoldités on Ceast question.

L'Ecosse has MountD there voie towards This that THE minimum of PROX of L'Alcool PEut accomplishedir And serveir d'exemfull to politicalices of nombDux autres country. There loI Misse in place serhas BineFic Meme outD-Mreed, in Dofisant THE consethatince nefastes of coût ecuntic And social For THE citoyENS And in itsUvanty of the Vies. There prisse of awareness MwaveIALe as to At hazard of L'Alcool And there Misse in œUVD of the politicalices respectthoroughs PEUwind DonC AVoir A impact considErable on there sante; A PROX RAisonnable And coheback PEut containerribuer has Lutter containerD L'AlcoolIsme And ses consethatince Sanitareas And sociales."

At Sanzalc, we are convinced of our role and our daily mission for a better world!

Source : https://www.theguardian.com/society/2023/mar/21/scotlands-minimum-pricing-linked-to-13-drop-in-alcohol-related-deaths-study-finds

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