These abstations which advocate a joyful sobriety

Have you ever heard of abstract ? They are everywhere around us ... Even the patron of Sanzalc is reckless! But what is this oddity ?? !!
In reality, nothing new under the sun, the abstract have always existed ...
It is a group of happy heretics who made the daring decision to stop getting drunk. Yes, you heard, they chose to live without alcohol. In a world where drunkenness seems to be the norm, these abstations are a breath of fresh air. They understood that alcohol abstinence not only allows them to be healthier, but also to fully enjoy life without the fog of drunkenness. It is really inspiring to see individuals take care of their well-being and opt for a more aware lifestyle.

It is also to meet the expectations of the abstations that Sanzalc was created and that it offers them in particular what is best in terms of alcohol -free drinks. 

Studies show that many practitioners also refuse to drink alcohol, invoking religious teachings against drunkenness as motivation. These Protestant faithful believe that the Bible explicitly discourages excessive alcohol consumption and encourages self -control. Their commitment to abstinence is not only to follow religious directives, but also to lead a more virtuous and more disciplined life. It is fascinating to see how faith can influence a person's choices and lead them to a healthier lifestyle.

A fascinating example of alcohol abstinence is found in the life of Joseph Smith, the founder of the Mormone religion. Young man, Joseph refused to drink alcohol during a leg operation, which was considered a testimony to his righteousness. However, it is believed today that Joseph's decision could be influenced by his father's alcoholism problems. Joseph was a direct witness to the negative effects of his father's drunkenness on their family and may have chosen to refrain from drinking accordingly. This revelation highlights the complex factors that can shape the attitude of an individual with regard to alcohol and highlights the importance of personal experiences in making such decisions.

The rise of the abstations and the growing number of people choosing an alcohol -free way of life constitute a positive evolution of our society. It reflects an increasing awareness of the harmful effects of excessive consumption of alcohol and the desire for a more balanced and more fulfilling existence. These "Happy heretics"Open the way to a new form of socialization, which does not revolve around alcohol but focuses on authentic links and shared experiences. So let us get our glasses - filled with delicious mocktails, of course - to the abstations and their Unwavering commitment to live their lives at best without having to get drunk.

Cheers 🥂

You can deepen the subject, in particular with this Télérama article ""We just decided to stop drunkenness": the abstations, these joyful heretics which refuse to drink alcohol"

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