About Sanzalc!

This is the story of a guy ... who made a choice of life and who found himself in an evening alone in front of a fruit juice 🧃

« Choose the blue pill and everything stops, after you can have sweet dreams and think what you want. Choose the red pill: you stay in Wonderland and we go down with the white rabbit at the bottom of the abyss » - Morpheus, Matrix

💊 🐇

But how did we get there?

"One day, this choice is imposed on you and you then get in sobresistance ..."
Life reserves its share of suffering. Mine were painful and like many, I sometimes used alcohol as an escape to flee this reality for a moment ...
And then there is this specific day when you have this click and where this choice is imposed on you ... You decide to be reckless and to give up alcohol to preserve your health ... You know that you are then against current of this famous "French art of living" but This strong choice, you assume it without any complex.

Only, you are an adult and in addition to being abundantly chambered 🤬, you are tired of turning with sweet soda or fruit juice during evenings or aperitifs ...
So you are looking for alternatives and you realize that it is a tanned: Alcohol -free supply for adults is inaccessible while demand increases day by day! 🤦‍♂️
- Arnaud

Ok, admit that you've already seen yourself like that in the evening! 😂

👉 You then decide to offer in the same place 🍾 alcohol -free and quality adult drinks which are not or little offered in large distribution 🛒

"Sanzalc's mission, it is to offer everyone a new experience where we assume its own difference together without any complex and without any concession on taste, pleasure and well-being 🤟 "

① Who is Sanzalc?

We are a French company with a social impact with a public health mission: Uncomfortable consumers who do not drink or little alcohol.

② How do we do?

By making the best alcohol drinks easier to find, buy and taste together.

③ Why bother doing this?

Because we want to bring down the culturally codified and frozen barriers of the world of conviviality where alcohol is presented as the only option for adults.
Brief, A movement is underway and we absolutely want to contribute!

④ What we do on a daily basis

We uninhibit the universe of alcohol without making it accessible to all, by honoring those who are at the origin and who have fun on a daily basis to develop mentalities 🤩

The Sanzalc team 🤘

Une équipe volontairement réduite pour aller à 1000 à l'heure 🚀

Céline 🥂

Chief Spritz Officer

Arnaud 🍻

Chief Sober Officer


chez Sanzalc Lille



How was Sanzalc born?

Somewhere (in a distant galaxy), in the 20th century ...
The time of carelessness

The French art of living

Bon vivant does not yet rhyme with provident… he is Gascon 🦆 and rugby player 🏉, as much to say that we pass everything and that he therefore has all the free parties in terms of fiestas!

The time of big worries

Loss of control

Nothing will ever be the same since 2020 and not only because of the COVVI 😷. Serious family problems for Arnaud who is gradually sinking into alcohol-drugs to try to face ...

The time of awareness

Change is now

Céline becomes a volunteer firefighter🧑🏼‍🚒 Within his village in addition to his professional activity. It also faces the devastating consequences of alcoholism.
Arnaud therefore takes on the full measure of his illness and definitively renounces alcohol with Céline's unconditional support. The couple unite for life 💍

Time to give meaning

The alternatives exist!

It's been 1 year 1/2 that the couple experiences the Nolo trend on a daily basis.
Arnaud - ABSTEM (0 alcohol) - represents the "no". As for Céline - sober (moderate consumer with and without alcohol) - expresses the "low".
All 2 experience the benefits of practice on a daily basis but also the difficulties in All those who no longer want, not or little drink alcohol for any type of reasons (Health, belief, taste, etc.). They decide to respond to this urgency by creating Sanzalc! 🚀

22 mai 2023
Le temps de concrétiser

Lancement de Sanzalc.com !

Après presque 9 mois de gestation, d'études du marché, de sourcing, de tests de boissons, Arnaud lance enfin le site e-commerce le 22 mai 2023.

Pas de tour de table, pas de banque, pas de crowfunding, Sanzalc.com est à 100% autofinancé et réalisé en interne.

La volonté est claire : nous voulons aller vite et ne rendre de compte à personne au démarrage 🤘

octobre 2023
Le temps de la rencontre avec ses clients

Ouverture de la 1ère Cave sans alcool

Alors que ce n'était pas prévu initialement, nous ouvrons la 1ère cave sans alcool au nord de Paris, à Orchies là où se situe notre entrepôt de 300 m2 📦

La pression de la Presse régionale et nationale ainsi que la très forte attente de nos clients nous oblige à ouvrir en "2-2" avec les moyens du bord 👷
Idéal quand on se revendique agile avec la culture du "Test & Learn" ! 🤣

8 juin 2024
Le temps de la croissance

Ouverture de la 2ème Cave !

Et oui, vous avez bien noté "deuxième cave" et pas "seconde" car au-delà d'avoir assuré une ouverture en moins de 2 mois, nous avons aussi lancé notre programme de Franchise… patience 🤫